The Global Coil Winding And Electrical Manufacturing Event

Insights into the European Transformer Market and Emerging Trends

27 Mar 2024 | Webinars

In this webinar, we will embark on a journey through Europe's energy evolution with a concise exploration of the key transformer’s role.

Wednesday, 17th April 2024, 2pm- 3:00pm GMT

In this webinar, we will embark on a journey through Europe's energy evolution with a concise exploration of the key transformer’s role. Beginning with an introduction, we will delve into the Global and European Transformer Market Overview, highlighting investments in grid expansion and insights into the 2023 market. We'll dive deep into the decarbonization initiatives, examining clean energy efforts, electrification of transport, and the regulatory landscape set by the Eco-design Directive. Finally, we will explore the technological developments in the transformer industry, including the emergence of ester-based and digital transformers, revolutionizing efficiency, and sustainability impact of renewables & EV charging on grid expansion.


I. Introduction

In this section, we will give a very brief overview of PTR and how we help our clients with strategic decision-making.

II. Global Transformer Market Overview

In this section, we will talk about major investment plans announced by TSOs and DSOs that are going to drive the T&D market including transformers both at the global and Europe level.

  1. Investments in Grid
  2. Global Transformer Market 2023
  3. Overview of the European power transformer market
  4. Overview of the European distribution transformer market

III. Decarbonization Initiatives

In this section, we will discuss different strategies adopted by European countries to achieve net zero targets and improve operating efficiency.

  1. Clean Energy
  2. Electrification of Transport Sector
  3. Eco-design Directive

IV. Technological Developments in the Transformer Industry

Finally, we will delve into key market trends of the transformer market that are going to shape the future landscape.

  • Introduction to technological advancements such as ester replacing oil-type transformers.
  • Exploration of digital transformer technologies and their benefits.

V. Conclusion

  • Emphasis on the pivotal role of transformers in achieving decarbonization goals.

VI. Q&A session





Azhar Fayyaz, Senior Analyst - PTR Inc.

[email protected]

Azhar is a Senior Analyst at PTR Inc. His main area of interest is power systems. Currently, he is a product manager of transformer topic, delivering exceptional value to Fortune 500 clients globally. The topics under his mandate include power transformers, distribution transformers, switchgear, substation automation, power factor correction, etc. Azhar comes from a technical background and has an MSc. degree in Power Engineering.


Eyman Ikhlaq, Analyst - PTR Inc.

[email protected]

Eyman is an Analyst at PTR Inc., she specializes in Transformers topics. Her professional journey began in the research sector at IDR, where she worked as a Market Research Analyst for the APAC region. After gaining a year of valuable experience analyzing market trends across various domains, Eyman moved to PTR as a Power Grid Analyst. Currently, her focus is on conducting thorough analysis and providing insights into the field of Transformers. Eyman has a strong technical background, having earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering.

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