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Dr.-Ing. Mustafa-Seçkin Aydın

Key Account Manager Customers, Markets & Technology thyssenkrupp Electrical Steel

Mustafa Seçkin Aydın is a challenger, working for 19 years at thyssenkrupp at different innovation projects to apply flat steel products in automotive, the heavy plate sector, civil and military ballistic protection and nowadays e-mobility. 

Today, he is in charge of sales of GOES to the transformer industry in Central Europe as well as the novel topic axial flux motor technology to make the electrical cars by means of thyssenkrupp electrical steels more powerful, efficient and environmental in the whole world.  

Taking the slogan of thyssenkrupp Steel #nextgenerationsteel as a basis, he tries to contribute to a better and green world by combining his engineering experiences in research and development, technical customer service, sales armor steel department and electrical steel for the future with the customers and partners together. 

Seckin lives in Germany since 2003, is married and has three daughters.