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Optimization of Laminated Stack for Electric Motors in Electrified Vehicles

The market for electric motors for electric vehicles is rapidly changing. The projected growth drives optimisations in all directions to cover the specific needs of the industry where various motor types and components are considered. Within these motor optimisations, the laminated stator and rotor stacks are an important topic. 
This presentation discusses relevant characteristics and presents an innovative process chain that combines blanking, annealing and gluing to support the optimization. Verification tests are discussed that also include the relevance of some system choices in the electric motor that can affect the result.
•    Relevant KPIs for laminated stacks for high performing electric machines
•    An innovative process chain
•    The benefits of annealing and gluing
•    The impact of system choices

Wednesday 15 May 12:20 - 13:10 Central Stage

Transformers Market Trends & Innovations

Add to calendar 05/15/2024 12:20 05/15/2024 13:10 Optimization of Laminated Stack for Electric Motors in Electrified Vehicles The market for electric motors for electric vehicles is rapidly changing. The projected growth drives optimisations in all directions to cover the specific needs of the industry where various motor types and components are considered. Within these motor optimisations, the laminated stator and rotor stacks are an important topic. 
This presentation discusses relevant characteristics and presents an innovative process chain that combines blanking, annealing and gluing to support the optimization. Verification tests are discussed that also include the relevance of some system choices in the electric motor that can affect the result.
•    Relevant KPIs for laminated stacks for high performing electric machines
•    An innovative process chain
•    The benefits of annealing and gluing
•    The impact of system choices
Central Stage Europe/London


Francis van der Sluis

Senior Engineer, Bosch Transmission Technology B.V.