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Panel Discussion: What Does the Future Bring for Rare Earths?

Rare Earths are essential in a wide range of technologies, including electric vehicles, wind turbines, smartphones and many others. As the demand for these technologies continues to grow, the future of rare earths is expected to be shaped by several key trends and market dynamics. This session will cover the key challenges and opportunities for the industry and how to find the balance between the resources and the market demand:

  • Resource and supply challenges
  • Pricing development and market dynamics
  • Technology development, sustainability, and the circular economy
  • Efforts that need to be made to meet the demand challenges, for decarbonisation

Wednesday 15 May 16:10 - 16:55 Central Stage

Material Innovation & Advancements- Magnets & Technology Applications

Add to calendar 05/15/2024 16:10 05/15/2024 16:55 Panel Discussion: What Does the Future Bring for Rare Earths?

Rare Earths are essential in a wide range of technologies, including electric vehicles, wind turbines, smartphones and many others. As the demand for these technologies continues to grow, the future of rare earths is expected to be shaped by several key trends and market dynamics. This session will cover the key challenges and opportunities for the industry and how to find the balance between the resources and the market demand:

  • Resource and supply challenges
  • Pricing development and market dynamics
  • Technology development, sustainability, and the circular economy
  • Efforts that need to be made to meet the demand challenges, for decarbonisation
Central Stage Europe/London


Dr. Nabeel Mancheri

Senior Advisor,, EIT RawMaterials


Stefan Möwius

Managing Director, BEC (Shanghai) Technology 

Patrick Nee

Co-Founder, Cyclic Materials

Dr. Katarina Removic-Langer

Head of Technical Support and Marketing, DMEGC Germany

Philippe Scheuber

Head of Sales, Bomatec Group