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The Electrification Era – Technology and Supply Chain Dynamics Influencing xEVs Take Rate

With rapid rates of electric vehicle adoption continuing in major markets globally, key themes are emerging. Economies of scale, potential raw material constraints, demands for longer range and a seamless charging process are raising as a necessary next phase of the evolution and might become a potential challenge for all the stakeholders involved.

A quantitative and qualitative perspective on the essential topics shaping the E-Mobility transition will be shared in the presentation.

  • S&P Global: research in the automotive business
  • Vehicle in operation forecast
  • Consumer sentiment about xEVs and charging
  • Latest advancements about batteries and expected driving range
  • Charging infrastructure deployment risk and opportunities

Tuesday 14 May 10:10 - 10:40 E- Mobility Stage

E- Mobility: Economic Trends, Strategies & Industry Overview

Add to calendar 05/14/2024 10:10 05/14/2024 10:40 The Electrification Era – Technology and Supply Chain Dynamics Influencing xEVs Take Rate

With rapid rates of electric vehicle adoption continuing in major markets globally, key themes are emerging. Economies of scale, potential raw material constraints, demands for longer range and a seamless charging process are raising as a necessary next phase of the evolution and might become a potential challenge for all the stakeholders involved.

A quantitative and qualitative perspective on the essential topics shaping the E-Mobility transition will be shared in the presentation.

  • S&P Global: research in the automotive business
  • Vehicle in operation forecast
  • Consumer sentiment about xEVs and charging
  • Latest advancements about batteries and expected driving range
  • Charging infrastructure deployment risk and opportunities
E- Mobility Stage Europe/London


Claudio Vittori

Associate Manager | Supply Chain & Technology Group | E-Mobility Components Research, S&P Global Mobility