The Global Home of Coil Winding

Dr. Hugo Campelo

Senior Technical Advisor- Lubricants & Electrical Industry Sales & Marketing, Technical Support & Development Nynas AB

Dr. Hugo Campelo has more than 15 years of experience on transformer industry. He is a chemical engineer and has an industrial phD on the thermal modelling of large shell-type power transformers from University of Porto, Portugal.

From 2006 to 2009 he started researching on thermal management of transformers as a consultant, and later in 2010 he joined Efacec Transformers Business Unit. Up to 2023 he cross-cutted different R&D and engineering roles in Efacec from research and development to the global management of the technology of the group. In 2023 he joined Nynas as a technical expert on the application of transformer oils in power transformers, distribution transformers, instrument transformers and switchgear. Hugo currently supports technical sales and marketing to external customers and end-users across Europe, Middle East and Africa.

He authored multiple publications related with transformers modelling, testing and monitoring of transformers. He is a CIGRE expert actively involved in multiple Working Groups and a member of IEC Spanish TC 10.

2024 Agenda Sessions

Recycled Transformer Oils: Why And When Re-refine?

The most widely used procurement specification for transformer oils – IEC 60296 – defines two different types of recycled transformer oils: re-refined and reclaimed. Even though under the same generic classification of recycled they are both markedly different in terms of their functional and environmental performances. In this presentation we will discuss and learn more about these differences namely on:

  • The chemical and physical processes involved in their production
  • Their chemical composition/structures
  • Their inherent oxidation stability

Tuesday 14 May 14:10 - 14:40 Central Stage

Transformers Market Trends & Innovations

Add to calendar 05/14/2024 14:10 05/14/2024 14:40 Recycled Transformer Oils: Why And When Re-refine?

The most widely used procurement specification for transformer oils – IEC 60296 – defines two different types of recycled transformer oils: re-refined and reclaimed. Even though under the same generic classification of recycled they are both markedly different in terms of their functional and environmental performances. In this presentation we will discuss and learn more about these differences namely on:

  • The chemical and physical processes involved in their production
  • Their chemical composition/structures
  • Their inherent oxidation stability
Central Stage Europe/London