The Global Home of Coil Winding

Georges Houtappel

Executive Vice President, Global Head of Automotive Business Syensqo

Georges joined the Solvay group, now Syensqo, 11 years ago, as Global Head of Commercial Excellence, and then moved into the Specialty Polymers business to consequently lead the global marketing and business development teams. He then transitioned to lead the global business unit of fluoropolymers, and 3 years ago took the responsibility of the global Automotive business.
Georges holds a Master of Science in Electrical Power Engineering from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), and an MBA from INSEAD (Singapore & Fontainebleau). He started his career working 7 years as project manager with Siemens. After his MBA, he joined McKinsey & Co as a management consultant, where he worked for almost 7 years leading commercial transformations, before joining the Solvay group.

2024 Agenda Sessions

Panel Discussion: Diversity in the Workplace. How to Foster & Encourage a More Inclusive Sector: St

CWIEME industries are dynamic and have experienced wide disruption and progression over the last decade. Rising global trade disputes and geopolitical tensions are increasing costs and cutting margins. At the same time, the regulation forcing decarbonisation is disrupting existing business models and demanding immediate capital investment.

To successfully navigate this changing landscape, the long-term success of a company requires a stronger focus on people, and gender diversity can help companies gain a competitive advantage. Hear from industry leaders who have already been on a journey to encouraging a more diverse workforce and who have seen the benefits in action. Gain insight into successful strategies, as well as the obstacles faced along the way, and discover the wide array of benefits a more diverse workforce can bring to your business.

Wednesday 15 May 09:40 - 10:20 Central Stage

Women In Engineering

Add to calendar 05/15/2024 09:40 05/15/2024 10:20 Panel Discussion: Diversity in the Workplace. How to Foster & Encourage a More Inclusive Sector: St

CWIEME industries are dynamic and have experienced wide disruption and progression over the last decade. Rising global trade disputes and geopolitical tensions are increasing costs and cutting margins. At the same time, the regulation forcing decarbonisation is disrupting existing business models and demanding immediate capital investment.

To successfully navigate this changing landscape, the long-term success of a company requires a stronger focus on people, and gender diversity can help companies gain a competitive advantage. Hear from industry leaders who have already been on a journey to encouraging a more diverse workforce and who have seen the benefits in action. Gain insight into successful strategies, as well as the obstacles faced along the way, and discover the wide array of benefits a more diverse workforce can bring to your business.

Central Stage Europe/London