The Global Home of Coil Winding

Tanja Winter

Head of Sales, Aurubis AG, Co- Founder WoMen4Metals

Tanja Winter's affinity for copper is more than just skin deep — it's in her blood. Her journey into the copper products industry began at Berkenhoff GmbH, Germany, where she started as a teenager during her school holidays. Continuing her pursuit of knowledge, she studied business in Mannheim, Germany — while in a trainee program at Berkenhoff — and broadened her horizons with a semester abroad in the US.
Upon finishing her studies, Tanja joined the Rolled Products division at Gebr. Kemper in Olpe, where she excelled as Sales Manager for Asia-Pacific/India/Americas. 
Since 2015, she has been a pivotal member of Aurubis Sales Copper Products in Hamburg, initially as Area Sales Manager Germany and CEE, before rising to the role of Head of Sales Rod in 2016.
In 2019, Tanja co-founded WoMen4Metals, an initiative dedicated to industry branding and female empowerment, where she continues to serve as a devoted Board Member. 
Beyond her corporate roles, Tanja actively represents Aurubis in esteemed councils such as the International Copper Association and the LME Physical Markets Committee. She is also a co-founder and organizer of the NF Wire Forum, while simultaneously holding the position of Vice President of the German Association of Sales Managers.

2024 Agenda Sessions

Panel Discussion: Building Allyship & Advocacy. The crucial role of allies in promoting diversity a

In this conversation, the participants will share personal stories and offer practical tips supporting colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

Thursday 16 May 10:00 - 10:45 Central Stage

Women In Engineering

Add to calendar 05/16/2024 10:00 05/16/2024 10:45 Panel Discussion: Building Allyship & Advocacy. The crucial role of allies in promoting diversity a

In this conversation, the participants will share personal stories and offer practical tips supporting colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

Central Stage Europe/London