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How to Reduce Costs Improving the Efficiency of Motor Components Procurement

With high global inflation leading to a sharp rise in procurement costs, how can SMEs survive in an increasingly deteriorating competitive environment?

Reducing procurement costs requires a systematic approach and leveraging data- driven strategies. This session will give you all the insights to reduce costs.

  • How to enhance SMEs' competitiveness in a high inflation and high-cost market environment.
  • MCPP - Motor Components Purchasing Platform: A brand new service for the motor industry aimed at empowering SMEs.
  • How does MCPP ensure purchasing efficiency, product quality, and savings in purchasing costs?

Wednesday 15 May 14:00 - 14:30 Central Stage

Strategies For Reducing Procurement Costs

Add to calendar 05/15/2024 14:00 05/15/2024 14:30 How to Reduce Costs Improving the Efficiency of Motor Components Procurement

With high global inflation leading to a sharp rise in procurement costs, how can SMEs survive in an increasingly deteriorating competitive environment?

Reducing procurement costs requires a systematic approach and leveraging data- driven strategies. This session will give you all the insights to reduce costs.

  • How to enhance SMEs' competitiveness in a high inflation and high-cost market environment.
  • MCPP - Motor Components Purchasing Platform: A brand new service for the motor industry aimed at empowering SMEs.
  • How does MCPP ensure purchasing efficiency, product quality, and savings in purchasing costs?
Central Stage Europe/London


Eddy Kong

Operating Director, Nide Group Company

Herbert Zhang

Marketing Director, Nide Group Company