The Global Home of Coil Winding

Herbert Zhang

Marketing Director Nide Group Company

Herbert Zhang  is the Marketing Director at Nide Group.

He has over 10 years’ experience of Mechanical Engineering and has consolidated experience in International Marketing. 


2024 Agenda Sessions

How to Reduce Costs Improving the Efficiency of Motor Components Procurement

With high global inflation leading to a sharp rise in procurement costs, how can SMEs survive in an increasingly deteriorating competitive environment?

Reducing procurement costs requires a systematic approach and leveraging data- driven strategies. This session will give you all the insights to reduce costs.

  • How to enhance SMEs' competitiveness in a high inflation and high-cost market environment.
  • MCPP - Motor Components Purchasing Platform: A brand new service for the motor industry aimed at empowering SMEs.
  • How does MCPP ensure purchasing efficiency, product quality, and savings in purchasing costs?

Wednesday 15 May 14:00 - 14:30 Central Stage

Strategies For Reducing Procurement Costs

Add to calendar 05/15/2024 14:00 05/15/2024 14:30 How to Reduce Costs Improving the Efficiency of Motor Components Procurement

With high global inflation leading to a sharp rise in procurement costs, how can SMEs survive in an increasingly deteriorating competitive environment?

Reducing procurement costs requires a systematic approach and leveraging data- driven strategies. This session will give you all the insights to reduce costs.

  • How to enhance SMEs' competitiveness in a high inflation and high-cost market environment.
  • MCPP - Motor Components Purchasing Platform: A brand new service for the motor industry aimed at empowering SMEs.
  • How does MCPP ensure purchasing efficiency, product quality, and savings in purchasing costs?
Central Stage Europe/London